Monday, February 22, 2010

About Us...

I am Lim V Yang, a little Chinese boy that born in Kuantan Government Hospital. In 2009 December, I decided to register for the 2010 intake in University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). In the end of December I receive a letter from UTAR, which said that my registration was successfully approved. 18 of January 2010, was the first step of my university live.

That seem usual for everyone in university having their own assignment on different subject. In this Information System, we were told to do a blog, which entitle 5 different topic. For the first topic, I will share the website I surf the most:

1. Facebook,
Mostly I surf this website for getting know more of my friends, through photo and their leave message.

2. Blog,
I always will write my own diary in this blog, this makes me know what did I in my previous day.

I get to surf this website for check my email.

This is the website that I get my relaxing, I always read comic when I am free or fell pressure.

Google is the useful website for me to search things that I interested in. For example, recently I get interest in Tai Ji Kungfu. Through this I found out some useful information and details.


Hi,I am Chong Hui Chi,you can also call me Jacqueline Chong.I was born on 19th May 1989 in Ipoh.My hobbies are watching movie,listen to music and hanging out with friends.The websites i always visit are Facebook,Youtube,Yahoo,Google and MSN.

1.Facebook-Through the facebook i can connect with friends and can know the current situation of friends.
2.Youtube-searching for the latest MV and funny videos.
3.Yahoo-get the latest informations and checking for my e-mail.
4.Google-searching for the information and details.
5.MSN-chating and keep contact with friends.


Hai, my name is Chin, i wan born in Selangor in a place name Semenyih, nearby a famous food, Kajang Satay.Born in 1987, love music and hanging out with my friend. I am big, strong and very friendly. Love listen to music, play basketball and play guitar. That's all 'bout me.

5 website,
Facebook :For latest update of all friend.
Hotmail :For the latest information.
Youtube :To search for latest MV
Google :To search for information
The Star Online:latest News wordlwide


I am MacBryan. My friends use to call me Mac as nickname. I love adventure and funs. So, I always spent most of my leisure time on online comics because the story always thrilling and exciting. I specially prefer comic in Japan which they call "manga" in Japanese. My top manga list is Naruto, followed by Initial-D and Tekken Siuzi that I will always visit and However, just merely read the manga in jpg form will not satisfy me. I used to browse my favourite movies or new showing films in peer to peer database with U-torrent. I have shared some movies such as Avatar, Surrogates, Funny People, Invictus and etc from some websites which are, and etc. Due to the internet bandwith is totally unsatisfying, those files in range 700Mb to 1.4Gb will usually take 2-3 days to complete download. One day, I found a quicker way which is watching those movies online! I took the software installer from my friend. It is just around 11.0Mb only. It is quick and very user friendly. Voila! It's PPS and can be downloaded its installer from official website -

Next, the best website which I always relies on when searching info and a preview is This website collects sufficient facts and information from a group of international volunteers to contribute their specialized knowldge into various topics. The next internet activity which I never miss is visiting my facebook - I make friends and sharing my thoughts with my profile. The facebook is getting better service with the passing of time. I can even link over my favourite videos to my profile so that my friends can review the videos as i did. I will always check out my mails' inbox with yahoo account - in case my friends or even committee members are sending me some important messeges. The mailing system is very covenient and economic because i can attach any files which do not exceeds 10Mb and i can send any mails as needed without charging me even 1 sen. Sometimes, I will also open my MSN to discuss important details with my friends about the academic problems. We can even add in more than 3 persons in a video conference. After complete academic works, I will use Eread to read some visualise book such as "GuLong Novel, JinYong Novels, and etc"

Lastly, my life is so depend and bond with internet. I couldnt spend even a perferct day without it. So, I am always being gratefull to the founders and web-developers of Internet.
